Colitis or Large Bowel Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

Colitis or Large Bowel Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

What is Colitis? In brief, colitis is the term for inflammation of the colon. The chief feature of colitis is a gooey, frequently splattery diarrhea featuring mucus, fresh blood, or both. The stool may start normal then finish soft or may seem gooey throughout. There is often accompanying cramping, gas, and a sense of immediate […]

Diabetes Gone Wild – Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Dogs and Cats

Diabetes Gone Wild - Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Dogs and Cats

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most extreme complications of diabetes mellitus that can occur. Unfortunately, most cases of ketoacidosis are in patients that were not previously known to be diabetic so both pet and owner face two serious diagnoses seemingly out of the blue: one life-threatening and expensive and the other requiring on-going […]

Obesity is Dangerous in Companion Dogs and Cats

dangers of obesity in companion dogs and cats

Obesity has become an extremely important health problem in the Western world, not just for humans but for dogs and cats as well. Obesity in pets is associated with joint problems, diabetes mellitus, respiratory compromise, and decreased life span. Recent studies show approximately 60% of dogs and cats in the U.S. are classified as obese or overweight, […]

Cancer Can Affect the Lungs of Companion Animals

Cancer Can Affect the Lungs of Companion Animals

Lung cancer (also called pulmonary neoplasia) is caused by tumors or masses made up of cancer cells within the lungs. Some tumors are benign, meaning that they do not invade and damage the surrounding cells. Other lung tumors are malignant and will damage the surrounding cells and tissues. Malignant tumors may also metastasize, or travel […]

Ticks are Parasites for Cats, Dogs and People

Ticks are Parasites for Cats, Dogs and People

Ticks are skin parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. Depending on the type of tick and the region you are in, ticks transmit many diseases that can affect cats, dogs and people. Diseases include lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrilichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to name a few. Ticks like motion, warm temperatures […]


With the holidays approaching, pet owners should take precautions so that the holiday festivities are happy and healthy for four-legged family members, as well as the humans who love them. Holiday foods and gifts can pose deadly hazards for family pets. Every year veterinarians treat dogs and cats who are poisoned or injured from eating […]

Helping Your Cat Transition to a Canned Food Diet – Tips and Tricks

helping with your cat's food and diet

Wet food has many benefits for our feline friends: it helps increase overall hydration and aids in many bladder issues commonly found in cats. These include cystitis (sterile inflammation of the bladder wall), bladder stones, bladder crystals and urinary obstruction in male cats. Wet food also reduces the amount of carbohydrates a cat gets. Cats […]

Fractures in Companion Dogs and Cats

companion dog fractured bone

Fractures in companion pets is often a traumatic experience for both you and your pet, and there are a few things you should know to help both of you make the best of a bad situation! First, it’s quite likely that your veterinarian will recommend surgical stabilization of the fracture. Cats and  dogs and cats […]

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE or AHDS)

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE or AHDS)

The term hemorrhagic gastroenteritis means inflammation of the stomach and intestine with bleeding. This kind of bleeding inflammation might be seen in patients with a range of issues including parvovirus,pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, bacterial overgrowth or any number of other conditions but when the term HGE is used, it usually refers to a more specific canine syndrome […]

Halloween, Dogs and Chocolate Toxicity – what to watch for

risk on halloween of dogs eating chocolate

Most pet owners know that chocolate is bad for dogs. It could for cats too, but most cats are too finicky to eat it. But what signs of chocolate toxicity should you look for when you know your dog eats chocolate, and what should you do? Signs to Watch For The active ingredient in chocolate that causes […]