Canine Parvovirus and Feline Panleukopenia Virus

dog and cat

The virus known as Parvovirus often seen in young, unvaccinated puppies originated from a cat virus that causes the feline infection Panleukopenia. While the two viruses are variations of the same virus and can be infectious to either species and share some overlap, they do present slightly differently in cats versus dogs. In general, parvoviruses […]

Ringworm Infection in Your Dog or Cat

dog with ringworm

Is ringworm a worm? Ringworm got its name because of the circular somewhat red worm-y pattern it makes on the skin of an infected individual from people to cats to dogs. Despite having some worm-like attributes, ringworm isn’t caused by a worm but is a fungal infection. The fungi involved are called dermatophytes, and the […]

Anemia in Cats and Dogs

dog and cat

Anemia means the red blood cells in an individual’s body are low. This is very important as red blood cells (RBCs) carry oxygen throughout the body and ensure the organs can function. When oxygen stores are low it becomes difficult for the body to do many simple tasks, including: Without oxygen, tissues can begin to […]

Managing Cats with Fear-related Aggression

managing fear in cats

How cats show fear like people, cats can also be afraid of things. When this happens, they change how they behave. Fear triggers can vary from cat to cat. What scares one cat may be fine for another. In order to know if something makes your cat anxious, you need to observe his/her behavior and […]

Bacteria Can Cause Diarrhea in Dogs – Clostridium perfringens

Clostridium perfringens bacteria in dogs

When companion pets have chronic diarrhea, one of the tests that is run looks for the bacteria Clostridium perfringens. Having the bacteria alone isn’t uncommon but it can produce a toxin in the intestinal tract called an enterotoxin, which in turn causes diarrhea. A little about Clostridium perfringens The bacteria in the Clostridial family have a […]

Heat Stroke – Causes and What to Do?

heat stroke in pets

Body temperature may be elevated because of an infection (fever), but it may also increase because of hot conditions outside, especially in the Houston climate.  When the body overheats to the point where it can no longer do it’s correct physiological functions, a life-threatening condition called heatstroke occurs.  Heatstroke is  a life-threatening condition, and requires immediate treatment.  […]

Allergies and Scratching in Cats

allergies and scratching in cats

Seeing your feline companion scratch can be frustrating and difficult to watch. Persistent scratching and chewing by your feline friend can results in skin infections.  Common causes of chronic itching Itching in cats can involve not only scratching but also chewing, licking and rubbing. The common causes of itching in cats are a type of […]

Hematoma of the Ear Flap in Companion Animals (Aural Hematoma)

ear hematoma dogs

What is an Aural Hematoma and is it a Problem? Any hematoma refers to swelling outside a body cavity, usually under the skin from a broken and bleeding blood vessel. When this occurs to the flaps of a cat or dog’s ear, it is called an aural hematoma. Our companion animals get this often from […]

Grain-free Pet Diets and Heart Disease in Pets

depiction of grain vs grain-free diet for pets

You may have heard about a link between grain-free diets and canine heart disease from the news or from your veterinarian. If you haven’t, here’s some important information we’d like to share with you: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has alerted pet owners and veterinary professionals about reports of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in […]

Melanomas in Companion Dogs and Cats

melanoma in dogs and cats

Most people know about melanoma and know it is a skin cancer. It arises from pigmented skin from a pigmented cell type called melanocytes. In people melanomas are commonly associated with sun exposure and overexposure.  Likewise, the situation in pets involves cancer of the melanocytes and pigmented growths. the difference is, in pets, specific body […]