Constipation and Megacolon in Dogs and Cats

german shepherd lying down

Simple Constipation An occasional episode of constipation is not cause for alarm. Stools seem unusually hard. There is unproductive straining. Veterinary assistance may or may not be needed. Here is what you need to know: Why do pets get constipated? Straining unproductively can be a symptom of either constipation or large intestinal diarrhea. In either […]

Shock: What To Look For and What To Do

yellow lab

It may be surprising to owners that their animal companion can seem fine at one moment and then for no apparent reason soon after become very sick. This can happen when an animal has a reaction to a vaccination, take a medication that they are allergic to, has a heart condition or gets a nasty […]

Antibiotics and Your Pets

pet meds

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. They kill invading bacteria without killing the surrounding cells. Antibiotics are made both from living organisms such as fungi, molds, and certain soil bacteria as well as synthesized in a laboratory.  Each antibiotic only works on certain types of bacterial infections, so the selection of which one to […]

Scratch that Itch! – Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs

male dog that's sick

Atopic dermatitis in dogs (allergic dermatitis, canine atopy) is a hypersensitivity or over-reaction to a variety of commonplace and otherwise harmless substances in the environment. These allergens include plant pollens, house dust mites, or mold spores. Most allergic dogs begin to show signs between one and three years of age. Due to the hereditary nature of the […]

Cataracts in Dogs and Cats

cloudy eyes in male dog at a Houston Vet

The normal lens of the eye is a focusing device. It is completely clear and is suspended in position by tissue fibers (called zonules) just inside the pupil.  The pupil opens and closes to control the light entering the eye so as to project an image onto the retina in the back of the eye, […]

How Safe Is Your Garden?

cat smelling garden flowers

Gardening is a relaxing pastime enjoyed by many people, and many people allow pets in their garden. The garden shops and catalogs are full of gorgeous garden shrubs and flowers. They tell us how to water and how much sunshine is needed, but rarely do they tell us if the plant is safe in case […]

Importance of Socializing Puppies and Kittens

puppy and kittens

What is Socialization? The word socialization is a bit misleading when taken literally. Socialization sounds like teaching a puppy or kitten how to socialize with other puppies or kittens. While these kinds of interactions help them learn to act like a normal dog or cat, this is only part of what socialization means and why […]

Spaying Cats

cat sitting in basket

It’s that time – almost Spring. And owners of young female cats may notice that their feline friend has started vocalizing and getting just a little too affectionate. Cats often begin their first heat cycle at around 5-6 months of age as Spring time approaches.  Spaying your cat is an important part of basic cat […]

Emptying a Dog’s Anal Sacs

black dog in grass

Anal Sacs or Reason’s Why My Pet is Scooting Dogs and cats have glands inside their rectum that release a light brown fluid. These glands are known as anal glands. In healthy animals, every time defecation occurs, a little bit of the fluid is released from the pressure. Problems occur when the small porous opening […]

Chylothorax in Cats and Dogs

houston vet hospital x-ray image

Overview Let us consider the chest cavity for a moment. The chest can also be called the thorax and the chest cavity is sometimes called the thoracic cavity. The thorax houses the lungs and heart as well as some other structures such as nerves, large blood vessels, and other conduits (such as the esophagus transporting […]