
Preparing for Disaster for Your Pets

cat preparing for disaster

Pet owners want to do what’s best for their pets in case of a disaster. For reasons related to health and space, pets are sometimes not allowed in public emergency shelters or must be in animal-specific shelters.  Disaster animal sheltering is addressed first at the local level, so check with your local authorities once a […]

Feline Overgrooming or Fur Mowing

cat itching

What is overgrooming or fur-mowing? In short, the cat is licking off fur. Often the area is nearly as bald as if it were shaved. Sometimes a Mohawk of normal fur makes a stripe down the back, surrounded by bald spots on either side. Sometimes it is the lower back itself that is bald. It […]

Skin Infections (or “Hot Spots”) in Dogs and Cats

hot spots in dogs and cats

A hot spot is a superficial skin infection that results when the normal skin bacteria overrun the skin’s defenses as a result of damage to the skin surface.  This is most often started by the dog chewing or scratching at the site.  In the first stages of the formation of a hot spot, also called […]

Pyometra (Pus-Filled Uterus) in Companion Dogs

Pyometra (Pus-Filled Uterus) in Companion Dogs

Pyometra is the term for an abscessed, pus-filled infected uterus. Toxins and bacteria leak across the uterine walls and into the bloodstream, causing life-threatening effects and possible bacterial invasion into the bloodstream – septicemia. Ultimately, the uterus dies, releasing large amounts of pus and dead tissue into the abdomen. Without quick treatment death is inevitable. […]

Marijuana and CBD Toxicity in Dogs

Marijuana and CBD Toxicity in Dogs

Cannabinoids are the active marijuana-derived substances that have pharmaceutical activity. Over 480 relevant substances have been isolated. The amount of each contained in a sample of marijuana leaves will depend on the subspecies of plant, how the leaves have been dried, the time of year the leaves were harvested, the age of the plant, and […]

Asthma (or allergic bronchitis) in Cats

feline asthma

What is Asthma? Asthma is a recurring respiratory compromise in which the lungs’ airways are constricted (narrowed). In this disease, the airways of the lung are inflamed plus they are extra reactive to stress or respiratory irritants, and the flow of air through the lungs is reduced sometimes or all the time. In the disease, […]

Stomach Worms in Cats and Dogs

stomach worms in cats and dogs

Worms are parasites that live inside your pet’s body and steal nutrients away from them. They do so by either directly eating your pet’s tissue or feeding from their blood vessels. Different worms can inhabit different parts of your pet’s body from their lungs to their gastrointestinal system.  Depending on the specific worm and your […]

Allergies in Companion Dogs

allergies in companion dogs

Coping with an itchy pet can be an extremely frustrating for the pet and also for the pet owner. Persistent scratching and chewing by a dog can result in open skin wounds and pain to your pet. The following information is intended to help provide pet owners with a basic understanding of the most common […]

Housebreaking and Crating: Helpful Tips for Pet Owners

crate training your dog

When you have a new dog be it a new puppy or an older rescue dog, one of the most important things you need to do is show your canine companion the right time and place to urinate and defecate as well as offer a safe environment to rest.   One of the top reasons […]

Acne in Cats

cat has acne

Feline acne is a skin condition of cats that is seen mostly around the chin and lip margins. Hair follicles on the chin become clogged (also known as comedones). Severely blocked follicles can develop abscesses, which are filled with pus. Surrounding skin can also develop bacterial infections. What Causes Feline Acne? The most frustrating part of […]