Just like people, there are basic vaccinations cats and dogs need throughput their lives to protect them from a host of diseases. 

dog and kitten getting vaccines and heartworm prevention

Many of these diseases are fatal or severely uncomfortable for your animal companion. Simply providing your pet with routine vaccinations can make a huge difference on their health and whether you prevent a fatal infectious disease.

Cats core vaccinations:

FVRCP vaccine
FVRCP vaccine

Cat non-core vaccines: 

Feline leukemia virus – this is a transmissible disease spread cat-to-cat. It can lead to much shorter survival times and can be prevented with the use of this vaccine

Dog Core vaccinations:

DA2PP vaccine, commonly called the distemper/parvo vaccine
DA2PP vaccine, commonly called the distemper/parvo vaccine

Dog non-core vaccinations:

Prevention against heartworm, intestinal parasites and fleas:

heartworm cycle

Whether indoors are outside, pets are vulnerable to Heartworm and flea infections. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes. These insects can easily get into homes every time a door is open and bite/sting your pet anytime he/she encounters a mosquito.  

Once it develops, heartworms live in the vessels that go to the heart and can cause right-sided heart failure and death as well as significant lung inflammation. Heartworms can be tested for in dogs but is much harder to find in cats. In felines, sometimes the first symptom seen is respiratory issues and death. 

We can prevent heartworm infection easily with monthly oral or topical medication.

Fleas can lead to itching, allergies, tapeworm infection, anemia and weight loss. This can also be prevented with a monthly oral or topical medication. In some preventions it is combined with the heartworm preventative. Many of these preventatives also contain certain anti-parasitics for intestinal parasites, providing an additional layer of protection.

Take home – you can prevent fatal and serious diseases with regular vaccinations and prevention. Talk to your veterinarian about what’s best for your animal companion. You have the power to protect them!

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