
Dental Care in Cats

Feline dental care is perhaps the most overlooked and under-treated area in small animal medicine. Cats are affected by many of the same dental problems that affect dogs and people, including periodontal diseases, fractured teeth, and oral tumors. Cats are also plagued with their own unique issues such as tooth resorption and inflammation. Resorption of […]

WHAT’S THE FUSS ABOUT UTERINE PUS? – Pyometra in Dogs and Cats

The word pyometra is derived from Latin “pyo” meaning pus and “metra” meaning uterus. The pyometra is an abscessed, pus-filled infected uterus. Toxins and bacteria leak across the uterine walls and into the bloodstream, causing life-threatening toxic effects. The uterus dies, releasing large amounts of pus and dead tissue into the abdomen. Without treatment death […]

Why is my dog’s tail just hanging down? Limber Tails in Dogs

Disease description in this species: Definition “Limber tail” or “cold tail” is a condition in which working or active dogs suddenly develop a limp tail. The tail either hangs down from the tail base or is held out horizontally for several inches from the tail base then turns straight down or at an angle below horizontal. […]

A New Drug in Veterinary Medicine Telmisartan (Semintra, Micardis) Can Help with Protein Loss in the Urine As Well As High Blood Pressure

Brand Name: Semintra, Micardis A recent veterinary study suggests that Temisartin may work better than ACEi (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors) for reducing protein loss in the urine. For companion cats and dogs suffering from proteinuria or hypertension, an ARB (Angiotensin Receptor Blocker) may soon be the drugs of choice.  Background Telmisartan is in a class […]

Cytauxzoonosis in Cats – What is that crazy name again?

What is Cytauxzoon Felis? Cytauxzoon (pronounced “sight-oz-o-un”) organisms are blood parasites that were first recognized in Africa as a parasite of antelopes and other ruminants. Cytauxzoon organisms were not discovered in the U.S. until 1976 when Cytauxzoon felis (of cats) was first described as a feline blood parasite affecting and killing cats from forested areas.   Initially there was concern that livestock […]

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), A Social Disease

Going out may be the thrill of an indoor/outdoor cat’s day. But going outside, comes with many health risk. One of them is Feline leukemia virus or FeLV. This virus is a common infection of cats. It is one of the biggest viral causes of cat deaths and is widespread in the cat population.   Disease […]

Parvovirus: Vaccination, Prevention and Maternal Antibodies

A common disease amongst young puupies that aren’t fully vaccinated, is parvovirus. This virus attacks the cells of the intestine as well as the bone marrow and is often fatal without aggressive treatment. What some pet owners don’t realize, is this virus is preventable with regular vaccinations and some easy environmental control if your puppy […]

Pet Health and Happiness 101

What our pets want more than anything else is to be with us – cats may sometimes be the exception. 🙂 While they are just one part of our lives, we are their entire lives. Young or old, they measure their lives in time spent with us vs. time spent without us. Other than spending […]

Cardiomyopathy in Cats

cat laying down

In cats, heart disease such as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of feline heart disease.  Cardiomyopathy means heart (cardio) and (myo) means muscle and (pathy) stands for disease. Other cardiomyopathies in cats that you may hear your veterinarian discuss are: Dilated cardiomyopathy Restrictive cardiomyopathy Unclassified cardiomyopathy About 50% of cats with heart disease don’t have […]

Buying The Well Bred Pure Breed

While it is commendable to adopt a rescued puppy or older dog and shelters have far too many unwanted canines, some people want a purebred pooch and are looking for very specific traits associated with that breed.  As with any purchase, there are some breeders that take great pride in the puppies they breed and […]