
Senior Cats’ Health Issues


A cat’s health changes with age. Physical and mental changes occur, just as they do with people. Most older cats sleep more than they did when young, and they usually sleep more deeply. They may not be able to jump quite as high. They may lose or gain weight, depending on their metabolism. You will […]

Dog Smells – the normal and abnormal

dog sniffing

Dog owners often complain about their dog’s odor.  It is important to recognize that dog odors have many sources, both natural and un-natural. Natural Dog Odors Dogs naturally produce secretions that enable other dogs to recognize them by smell as dogs and as individuals.  Unfortunately, people do not always appreciate these odors! Natural dog odors […]

Raisins and Grapes Are Not So Sweet for Dogs

Even though the exact cause of the renal failure is unknown, dogs who ingest grapes and raisins can develop kidney failure. The good news is, if treated quickly, your veterinarian can help prevent renal failure and potential death.  The first line of defense is decontamination. Inducing vomiting in recent ingestions and administering activated charcoal helps […]

Two Common Toxins to Watch Out For

Cats and dogs ingest things that people wouldn’t think to eat or that may not be harmful to us but are detrimental to our pets. Two often, fatalities occur from these two common plant/flower species: Lilies Members of the Lilium spp. are considered to be highly toxic to cats. While the poisonous component has not yet […]

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Dogs

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. This intracellular parasite is transmitted to dogs through the bite of an infected tick. The ticks that can transmit RMSF are the Rocky Mountain wood tick, the American dog tick, and the brown dog tick. In the United States, RMSF is most common in the southern […]

Tail Pull Injuries in Cats

(Also called sacrocaudal fractures in cats) First, an Anatomy Lesson Tails are wonderful, expressive body parts used by cats for communication purposes as well as for balance. The tail consists of a varying number of vertebrae (called caudal vertebrae; caudal means near or at the tail) and voluntary muscles with ligaments and tendons holding it all together. The tail attaches […]

Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) in Toy Breed Dogs

The creation of different dog breeds represents centuries of selective breeding to create true lines of dogs Typical examples of these very small dogs are Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrie, Maltese, Toy Poodle, and Pomeranian. Of course, there are many other breeds not mentioned here.  Before You Adopt a Toy Breed, Consider: You may need to feed […]

Vulvar Fold Dermatitis

small dog

Associated Terms: Juvenile Vulva, Recessed Vulva, Episioplasty, Vulvoplasty Overview: Excessive skin folds around the vulva can lead to the accumulation of urine and vaginal secretions. A moist, dark environment is created where bacteria and yeast can thrive, resulting in vulvar fold dermatitis (Figure 1). Episioplasty, also known as vulvoplasty, is a reconstructive surgical procedure performed […]

Body Language of Cats

cat body language

Cats use body language to communicate a variety of information and emotions to others. The primary body parts they use to convey their state of mind are their ears, tail, eyes, body posture, and vocal cords. Types of emotions and behaviors that can be demonstrated are fear or anxiety, frustration, pain, play, mating, contentedness or […]