With the proliferation of small-breed, large breed-specific and all-life-stage diets, it’s sometimes difficult to know what is marketing hype and what the veterinary community recommends. The choices can impact the puppy’s health in years to come, so it’s best to understand the recommendations so you can make an informed choice.

First and foremost, talk to your veterinarian with any questions about your puppy. Your veterinarian is likely to become your puppy’s health-care specialist for years to come, and getting to know you and your puppy is important.

A common question owners have, is what to feed their puppy and when to switch to an adult maintenance diet?

It’s important to know that dietary requirements of puppies differ from those of adult dogs. Mostly, they have different requirements for calcium and phosphorus, which are required for bone growth, and puppies usually have a higher calorie requirment than adult dogs of a similar size — they require added calories to fuel growth and pups simply burn more energy!

The standard recommendations are to feed “growth” diets until the dog reaches approximately 80% of the anticipated adult size. This generally occurs at younger ages (less than a year) for small and medium-breed dogs, and can go as long as two years for giant-breed dogs. Current conventional recommendations are to feed growth diets until this time.
Heights Veterinarian
Whether you have a teacup Chihuahua or a Great Dane, Urban Animal can help you find the right puppy food for your growing ball of fluff. Call us to schedule an appointment.

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