A good number of companion cats spend some of their lives outdoors. The benefit of allowing cats outside may be controversial for some cat owners along with veterinary healthcare providers. Regardless of anyone’s feelings, the fact remains that many pet cats spend part of their lives outdoors. And the kitties aren’t complaining.
For pet owners with indoor / outdoor cats, here are some things to keep cats safer:
1) Make sure your cat is current on vaccinations, including Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) – an often fatal disease that is spread via cat-to-cat contact and can be prevented2) Have your cat tested yearly for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and FeLV. If your cat tests positive, they shouldn’t be let out as this contributes toward disease spread3) Have your cat on a monthly medication preventing against heartworm infection, fleas, ear mites and certain intestinal parasites4) Have your pet checked yearly for intestinal parasites5) Make sure your cat has a microchip associated with your current phone number and physical address6) Have an ID tag and collar on your cat when he / she goes outside7) Make sure your feline companion is spayed or neutered and not contributing to the feline feral population8) Be on the lookout for things like: limping, wounds, lethargy, decreased appetite – if any of these symptoms are noticed, bring your cat to a veterinarian. These could represent bite wounds, traumatic events or infections that need to be quickly addressed