
Heartworm, fleas and ticks

Just because we’ve had some cold days doesn’t mean it’s time to stop giving heartworm, flea and tick preventatives.

It only takes a little bit of warmth to send the mosquitos buzzing back and to allow the flea life cycle to start up again.
In warm, humid climates like Houston, these parasites can persist all year round. When you let your guard down, you let the enemy in, and provide them with a feline and canine buffet to eat and thrive upon.
When Most Fleas are Active
When Most Fleas are Active
Urban Animal encourages you to keep your cats and dogs on preventatives all your long whether your cat and dog lives mostly inside or out.
Schedule an appointment for your companion animal and we’ll help find the right heartworm, flea and tick preventative for your cat or dog. You may also call 713-863-0088 or email us info@urbananimalveterinary.com today!
Heartworm Life Cycle
Heartworm Life Cycle

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