Urban Animal has a full-service diagnostic laboratory in-house for when your cat or dog needs answers right away. The full diagnostic suite at 1327 Yale street provides comprehensive testing for canine and feline patients needing everything from heartworm testing, pancreatic lipase (specific in cats and dogs for pancreatitis) to NT pro-BNP for cardiac muscle stretching – similar to what’s used in human cardiac patients to clotting times, liver and kidney panels, comprehensive chemistry panels, complete blood counts (CBCs), urinalysis-es with specific ways to evaluate the significance of protein in the urine through protein-creatine ratio, thyroid hormone and much more.
Now there’s no reason to wait, Urban Animal can offer most of the same tests that most referral and ER facilities offer, only our prices are probably more cost-effective and without the long wait.
If there’s a laboratory test you’ve been wanting to schedule, look no further. Call us today and schedule an appointment.
Below are some of our in-house tests:
Comprehensive chemistry + Lytes
Liver profile
Kidney profile + Lytes
Thyroid and cholesterol
Manual blood smears
Combo FIV/FeLV