Leptospirosis and Your Pet: A CDC Fact Sheet

This Centers for Disease Control & Prevention fact sheet is designed to assist pet owners in answering questions related to leptospirosis in pets. Leptospirosis is a disease that can affect human and animals, including your pets. All animals can potentially become infected with leptospirosis. While for many years occurrence among pets was rare, the disease has been diagnosed more […]

Continued from Last Article – Introducing the Dog to Pocket Pets and Birds

Similar to introducing your dog to a new cat, interacting with smaller pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, or rabbits needs to be heavily supervised from the beginning. Some dogs are not capable of overcoming their prey drive and may always need supervision around these types of animals because their natural instinct may be to […]

Introducing Your Dog to New Dogs and Other Animals…

Introducing a new animals to one another can be a little tricky. You want your current pets and your new pet to live harmoniously with each other. Remember, be realistic about your expectations. Some dogs just do not get along with other dogs. Other dogs have high prey drives, so their reaction to smaller animals […]

Cats and Dental Care in Cats

Feline dental care is perhaps the most overlooked and under-treated area in small animal medicine. Cats are affected by many of the same dental problems that affect dogs, including periodontal diseases, fractured teeth, and oral growths. Cats are also plagued with tooth resorption and inflammation. More than half of cats over three years old have tooth […]

Obesity is Harmful to Companion Dogs and Cats

Obesity has become an extremely important health problem in the Western world, not just for people but for dogs and cats too. Obesity in pets is associated with joint problems, diabetes (cats), respiratory issues and decreased life span.  Recent studies show approximately 60% of dogs and cats in the U.S. are obese or overweight, making this an […]

Diarrhea and Vomiting: The Dos and Don’ts

Diarrhea is the frequent evacuation of watery stools. Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. What to Do if Your Pet is Vomiting and Has Diarrhea Remove all food and water – this is short-term (until you can see your veterinarian) or for a few hours if symptoms are mild Check […]

Herpes – an Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats

The conjunctiva are the pink part under the eyelids and the eyelid lining. When they are irritated, they redden and can become itchy, dry, and uncomfortable. The cornea, or clear dome-like covering of the eye, can become involved in the inflammation. It can become cloudy or even ulcerated. Tear production can be reduced leading to […]

Roundworms of Dogs and Puppies – Toxocara Canis and Toxascaris Leonina

In keeping with this week’s discussion of parasitism, this article addresses roundworms in dogs and puppies.  There are two species of roundworms affecting dogs and puppies: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. Both are treated with the same medication protocol so when eggs are seen on a fecal flotation exam, it may not be necessary to determine which species […]

Cranial Cruciate Ligaments Tears in Dogs

The Basics The knee is a fairly complicated joint. It consists of the femur above, the tibia below, the kneecap (patella) in front, and the bean-like fabellae behind. Chunks of cartilage called the medial and lateral menisci fit between the femur and tibia like cushions. An assortment of ligaments holds everything together, allowing the knee […]

Parasitism in Companion Cats and Dogs

This week we will focus on some of the more common intestinal parasites that can affect companion cats and dogs. Today’s post will focus on roundworms. Please remember that all parasitism can (given the right circumstance) seriously affect cats or dogs of any age, however, puppies and kittens who have weaker immune systems and less […]