
Diarrhea is the frequent evacuation of watery stools. Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth.

What to Do if Your Pet is Vomiting and Has Diarrhea

Diarrhea and vomiting can quickly lead to serious fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance, especially in very young and very old animals and requires prompt veterinary care. 

What NOT to Do

Lethargic dog

Vomiting and diarrhea are associated with a host of problems that are referred to collectively as gastroenteritis. Some cases are quite severe (e.g., poisoning), and some are not (e.g., dietary indiscretion). 

If fever is present, infection may be a cause. Most infections that cause diarrhea and vomiting are contagious, so it is wise to assume that other pets might be vulnerable if they are exposed. 

While the removal of food and water is appropriate for a very short time, if your pet continues vomiting, veterinary care is needed as the longer the animal vomits or has diarrhea, the more fluid is lost. Companion animals will quickly become very dehydrated. 

Bottom line, if you notice 1-2 episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhea, the above home care is appropriate. However, if vomiting and diarrhea is more pronounced OR if your pet is not feeling well (for example, lethargic) and has been vomiting and/or has diarrhea, see a veterinarian.

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