
Urban Animal is a full service Veterinary Clinic located in the Houston Heights neighborhood. We offer a wide range of medical services and treatment. Some of the several areas we specialize in are animal oncology and and pet cardiology.

Veterinary Clinic Houston Heights Oncology
Whether elective surgery, biopsy, mass removal or unexpected, our veterinary surgeon helps you keep your cat or dog healthy. Our surgery suite has a heated surgery table to keep your pet warm during a procedure. We have electrocautery instruments, if needed, to make procedures go faster and minimize blood loss.

Your pet is monitored closely during all procedures including blood pressure, oxygen carrying capacity, heart rate, respiratory rate along with carbon dioxide buildup. Our suite and surgery protocols are similar to what’s used in human medicine, so we can ensure the best outcome for your companion animal.

Surgery services include:

Elective spays and neuters
Mass removals
Esophageal Tube placement for temporary assistance feeding
And more…


Houston Heights Veterinary Clinic Cardiology
Cardiac disease occurs in cats and dogs similar to people. Disease can be present at birth (congenital) or be acquired along the way. The most important thing with heart disease is to diagnose it correctly, monitor its progression, and step in when treatment is indicated. It’s also important that you, the owner, know that disease is there and know what to expect.

Urban Animal helps you from diagnosis to managing and monitoring your animal companion. We work with pet cardiologists as a team to help you find the best medicine for your pet.

We also have the ability to get echocardiograms and cardiology consults on an emergency basis, so you have our support when you need it the most. Of course our goal is early detection so we can help you prevent the unexpected and let your animal companion live life to the fullest.


Top Vet Clinics Houston
At Urban Animal we know that every companion animal has his or her own unique characteristics that define who they are. We celebrate these qualities, and that’s why our approach to veterinary care is specific to a pet’s individual needs.



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