Halloween is a Scary Night for Pets

Halloween may be a barrel of laughs for people who love to dress up in costumes and party, but most pets aren’t quite as fond of the holiday as people are. The doorbell rings far too often and is usually accompanied by loud children; there’s enough candy to make a pack of wolves sick; fearful pets can […]

Ear Mites in Dogs and Cats

dog mites

Most people have heard of ear mites and know they are a common ear parasite of dogs and cats. Unfortunately, this common knowledge frequently leads to the assumption that a pet’s inflamed ear is due to an ear mite infection, when in fact a much more common bacterial or yeast infection is afoot. This can lead to […]

Ear Infections in Dogs

dog ear infections

Dogs seem to get ear infections with more frequency than expected and some dogs deal with almost ongoing ear infections. Compared to human ear infections, dogs have trouble at a much higher rate. There are a couple of reasons why: the shape of the ear canal and the common frequency of conditions leading to excess […]

Hug Your Vet Tech Today

pet tech vet

Hug a Vet Tech Today! Don’t be weird about it, just a quick brotherly or sisterly hug to say thanks for all technicians do to help everyone – pet owners, veterinarians, veterinary staff and more take care of sick and healthy animals alike. As a veterinarian, I always appreciated having a good vet tech by […]

Bronchitis in Dogs – Acute, chronic, infectious and non-infectious

Bronchitis in Dogs

Chronic bronchitis is usually a non-infectious, inflammatory condition affecting the lining (mucosa) of the large airways (the trachea and bronchi) that results in a cough on most days for more than two months.   In most cases, the specific cause of chronic bronchitis in dogs is not identified.  Chronic bronchitis is neither infectious nor contagious to other […]

Hairballs in Cats – a sticky situation

cat hairball

“He’s throws up hairballs all the time,” is a common cat owner comment. To the pet owner the problem is simple. But to the veterinarian, it’s much more complicated. When cats groom themselves That hair should then be swallowed. In a “healthy” cat, that hair will go through the stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal tract) and […]

Clostridium Difficile continued

Clostridium Difficile continued

C. Difficile Becoming More Common in the US – Continued Therapy Dogs Visiting healthcare facilities has been shown to be a risk factor for C. difficile shedding in dogs. However, it is unclear whether therapy pets that visit hospitals and nursing homes have an increased risk of developing C. difficile diarrhea. Healthy animals do NOT need to be tested […]

Clostridium Difficile Becoming More Common in North America


J. Scott Weese, DVM, DACVIM Date Published: 03/11/2014 What Is Clostridium difficile? Clostridium difficile is a species of bacteria that can be found in the intestinal tract of humans and many animal species, including pets, farm animals and wildlife. Clostridium difficile is an important cause of disease in people and animals. These bacteria do two very important things: […]

Biliary Mucocoele – a Surgical Emergency in Dogs

gallbladder mucocele treatmet

It all starts with a sick, usually middle-aged or older dog. He is listless, not eating, maybe has vomiting and/or diarrhea, fever. These are symptoms that could mean any number of things but usually when he reaches the veterinarian’s examination table he has jaundice (yellow pigmentation visible in the whites of his eyes and possibly […]

24/7 Emergency Care or Specialty Referral

24 hour veterinarian hospital

Veterinary medicine lags behind human medicine by 15-20 years in terms of treatments, diagnostic tools, medications and specialists. Some pet owners aren’t aware that there are veterinary internists, cardiologists, radiologists, neurologists, surgeons, oncologists, behaviorists, criticalists and more. A good general practitioner is similar to a human GP (general practitioner) but to a certain extent, has […]