Constipation and Megacolon in Dogs and Cats

dog sitting

Simple Constipation An occasional episode of constipation is not cause for alarm. Stools seem unusually hard. There is unproductive straining. Veterinary assistance may or may not be needed. Here is what you need to know: Why do pets get constipated? Straining unproductively can be a symptom of either constipation or large intestinal diarrhea. In either […]

Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome in Flat-Faced Dogs


Dog with Squished Faces Most people are not familiar with the term brachycephalic, but if you own a Pug, Boston Terrier, Pekingese, Boxer, Bulldog, Shih Tzu, or any one of the other breeds with pushed in or squished faces, you should become familiar with this word. The word comes from Greek roots brachy, meaning short, and cephalic, meaning […]

Advanced surgical procedures now available at Urban Animal

dog jumping

When your companion animal is faced with an orthopedic or complex surgical need, it can be frustrating. Owners are often faced with both the very high costs associated with an advanced procedure as well as being referred to an unfamiliar specialty practice equipped to perform the needed surgery. While orthopedic surgery and specialty procedures are […]

Cataracts in Diabetic Dogs

cataracts yellow lab

Most diabetic dogs will develop cataracts and go blind. This FAQ is designed to assist the owners of diabetic dogs in knowing what to expect and to make decisions regarding cataract surgery. What Is A Cataract? A cataract is an opacity in the lens of the eye. The entire lens may be involved or just […]

Oral Masses/Ulcers in Dogs and Cats

dog face

What are oral masses? Some dogs and cats develop growths in their mouths. Similar to humans, these growths may be benign or malignant. Once a mass is noticed, analysis must be made to determine the cause of the growth. What causes oral masses? Some masses are due to infections in the gums or of the […]

Heartworm Infection in Cats

cats playing outside

Do Cats get Heartworm? The answer to this question is an unequivocal yes, but feline heartworm disease is a lung disease rather than a heart disease as it is in dogs. The parasite is the same but because the heartworm’s natural host is not a cat, the interaction between worm and host creates a very […]

Stomatitis in Cats


(Also called lymphoplasmacytic stomatitis, LPS, feline caudal stomatitis, chronic oral inflammatory disease, or feline chronic gingostomatitis)  General physical examination involves an inspection of the teeth and mouth, provided that the patient is of a cooperative nature or has a mouth that is pain-free enough to allow examination. When we look, we often see plaque build-up, […]

Diarrhea and Vomiting in Cats and Dogs

dog that is sick

It happens to all of us – our companion cat or dog has some runny stool. They may or may not vomit. Is a single episode a cause for alarm, not necessarily but you also don’t want to wait too long before seeking veterinary care. There are a long list of issues that can cause […]

Constipation and Megacolon in Dogs and Cats

german shepherd lying down

Simple Constipation An occasional episode of constipation is not cause for alarm. Stools seem unusually hard. There is unproductive straining. Veterinary assistance may or may not be needed. Here is what you need to know: Why do pets get constipated? Straining unproductively can be a symptom of either constipation or large intestinal diarrhea. In either […]

Shock: What To Look For and What To Do

yellow lab

It may be surprising to owners that their animal companion can seem fine at one moment and then for no apparent reason soon after become very sick. This can happen when an animal has a reaction to a vaccination, take a medication that they are allergic to, has a heart condition or gets a nasty […]