Otitis Externa Treatment in Dogs

dog ear treatment in houston heights

Otitis externa is an inflammation or infection of the external ear canal. Bacteria, yeast, ear mites, and allergies can all cause otitis externa. Addressing this problem involves four steps: Cleaning the ear canal thoroughly to remove excessive ear wax and other debris. Applying medication into the ear canal. Allowing your veterinarian to re-examine the ear until the […]

PTSD Can Occur in Companion Animals after Disasters

cat hiding

Dogs and cats who survive disasters can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder in the same way as their owners and for the same reasons: being placed in an environment that is unpredictable and they are unable to control.  While counseling is available for human disaster victims, the signs of anxiety and/or distress shown by their […]

Toothbrushing and Dental Prophylaxis in Cats and Dogs

Why should I brush my dog’s or cat’s teeth? Daily removal of plaque is the key to an oral hygiene program. Unless your pet’s teeth are brushed daily, plaque, which is an accumulation of bacteria, will build up at the gum line. Eventually calculus forms, further irritating the gums, and then infection progresses to loosen […]

Distemper in Dogs

Dog with classic nasal discharge

Distemper is a viral disease in dogs that is characterized by fever, neurological signs, respiratory signs as well as crusting paw pads and vomiting. While these symptoms often occur in phases, sometimes not all the symptoms are seen so to the owner, the published phases don’t always fit what is expected and owners think their […]

Sunscreen for Pets

cat laying out in the sun

Sunscreen, or sunblock, can be used on cats and dogs. Pets with light skin and a short or thin hair coat are particularly prone to sunburn, skin cancer, and other solar-induced skin diseases (solar dermatitis, actinic keratosis, actinic dermatitis). If your dog’s coat is shaved during the summer for cooling, sunscreen may also be helpful. […]

Transmissible Venereal Tumors in Dogs

venereal tumor in a dog

Imagine a tumor that can be transmitted by touch. For dogs, this is not a matter of imagination; the transmissible venereal tumor has been described since 1876 and is commonly found on both male and female dogs. Transmission is by simple physical contact between an existing tumor on one dog and abrasions on a mucous […]

Pelvic fractures in cats – a limp tail may be the big clue

pelvic fracture

First, an Anatomy Lesson Tails are expressive body parts used by cats to convey things like annoyance, fear and confidence. Tails are also used for balance. The tail consists of the caudal vertebrae along with muscle, ligaments and tendon to hold it all together. The tail attaches to the body at an area called the […]

Bloat or GDV (Gastric dilatation and volvulus)

Bloat is a life-threatening condition in which the stomach fills with air (dilatation) and/or twists upon itself (volvulus), hence the acronym GDV. Symptoms of Bloat: It is essential that this condition be recognized immediately or very early on. In most cases, your dog’s abdomen will have a distended appearance and is rock hard. But if the […]

Ibuprofen Toxicity in Dogs and Cats


Do not give ibuprofen to a dog without specific dosing instructions from your veterinarian. Do not give ibuprofen to a cat under any circumstances! Ibuprofen has been available as a human pain reliever in the United States since 1974. Over-the-counter 200mg tablets have been available since the 80s and have names such as  Motrin, Advil, […]

Breed-Related Dermatoses in Dogs and Cats

diabetic cat

The VIN Dermatology Consultants Date Published: 03/04/2008 Date Reviewed/Revised: 04/26/2018 CATS Abyssinian Psychogenic alopecia and dermatitis Follicular dysplasia (hair shaft disorder of Abyssinians) Devon Rex Familial hypotrichosis Himalayan Dermatophytosis Granulomatous dermatophytosis Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Persian Dermatophytosis Granulomatous dermatophytosis Dirty face syndrome Seborrhea (greasy cat syndrome) Siamese Pinnal alopecia Psychogenic alopecia Histiocytic mast cell tumor  Vitiligo DOGS Afghan […]