COVID-19 And Companion Cats and Dogs, What You Should Know

COVID-19 And Companion Cats and Dogs

The information documented here is from a compilation written by Mark Rishniw, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM (SA-IM), DACVIM (CA) from, an online resource for pet owners. A novel coronavirus, named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness […]

Body language in Companion Cats

Body language in Companion Cats

Cat body language and expression may be obvious cat to cat, but often the subtle postures are lost on us humans. Understanding what you cat is trying to convey can be very important. This review attempts to help de-mystify your cat’s body language when he or she is stressed, frustrated, scared as well as when […]

Feline Urinary Obstruction

Feline Urinary Obstruction

Urinary obstruction is a life-threatening Emergency Several issues can lead cats to strain to urinate: urinary tract infections, crystals in the urine, bladder stones and plain old inflammation called cystitis. If the cat is a male and straining, he is at risk for a life-threatening complication: urinary blockage. Mucus, crystals, inflammation and even tiny bladder […]

Heart Murmurs in Companion Dogs and Cats

Heart Murmurs in Companion Dogs and Cats

What does a heart murmur mean? A heart murmur is a type of abnormal sound your veterinarian can hear when listening to your pet’s heart with a stethoscope. Normally, two distinct sounds are heard when listening to the heart of a normal dog or cat. These are often described as “lub” and “dub.” When listening […]

Loud Noises and Fireworks Fear in Pets

Loud Noises and Fireworks Fear in Pets

With the New Year fast approaching, it’s important to remember that while people enjoy fireworks and noisy celebrations, our cats and dogs often don’t.  Some animals aren’t upset by the explosions, flashes and loud noises but others get hurt by panicking and jumping through closed windows or bolting through doors to get away from the […]

Patellar Luxation (Knee Dislocation) in Dogs – Degrees of Severity

patellar luxation in dogs

Patella luxation, or knee dislocation, is all too common in smaller breed dogs and can range in severity from a knee that can be luxated (dislocated) only in when extreme stress in placed on the knee (and that it quickly returns into position to a patella (knee) that is permanently luxated toward the center of […]

Bite Wounds and Abscesses in Cats

bite wounds in cats

An abscess forms when an infected bite wound heals over on its surface and seals the infection inside. Fever often accompanies this the infection incubates. The diseased tissue turns into pus. In many cases pus bursts through the overlying surface skin and drains, leading to foul odor, pain, and discharge. Most abscesses require veterinary attention […]

When Young Dogs Need to See a Veterinary Behaviorist

When Young Dogs Need to See a Veterinary Behaviorist

Most puppies don’t need to see a veterinary behaviorist. They need good early socialization and reward-based training to learn how to be “good dogs” in society and at home.  Unfortunately, there are some puppies whose behaviors are beyond what is considered normal for a puppy at their developmental stage. Consider them special-needs puppies, just as […]

Rodent Poisoning in Dogs and Cats

Rodent Poisoning in Dogs and Cats

People and rodents have been in conflict for thousands of years. Rats spread disease, eat our crops, leave droppings and make nests in our storage areas, and infest our homes. Rodent removal services are an important part of pest extermination even in this century. Rat poison can be obtained in most hardware stores, grocery stores, and […]

Testicular Cancer in Companion Dogs

testicular cancer in dogs

Testicular tumors are the most common genital tumors found in male dogs. Tumors can grow in one or both testicles. Most types of testicular tumors are malignant. Usually this means that they are cancerous and have the potential to spread and harmfully change the surrounding tissues. Cancerous tumors can also metastasize (spread) to other organs […]